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Environmental and economical impact indicators selected

One of the most important objectives of the Life+ RELEACH is to demonstrate that the innovative landfill leachate treatment methodology will provide an environmental gain compared with the current treatment strategies. Furthermore, in order that the new process could be more attractive for future potential users, the economical investment has to be reasonable.

To demonstrate the environmental benefits and the economical sustainability of the new landfill leachate treatment technology, the results obtained in Manresa and Orís landfills will be analysed using standardized and widely accepted Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) procedures and databases.

As a starting point, CTM has performed a deep analysis of the different policies and directives which has permitted to identify which are the most relevant impact categories focused on water quality and energy consumption.

  • Environmental impact indicators selected: marine eutrophication, human toxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity, freshwater ecotoxicity, marine ecotoxicity, metal depletion, fossil depletion and climate change.
  • Economical impact indicators selected: operational costs from electricity consumption, capital investment costs, maintenance costs, benefits from water reuse.

These indicators will be calculated and monitored during the implementation actions in order to ensure that the proposed process fulfills the objectives proposed in terms of contribution to the European environmental policy and legislation.